Lady Superior learns the hard way in Volume 2: Rookie Mistakes

Lady Superior learns the hard way in Volume 2: Rookie Mistakes

The adventures of Lady Superior continue in Rookie Mistakes.

A serial killer is carving his way through the city. The task of stopping him falls to freshman superhero Lady Superior. The problem? She’s the killer’s true target. The corpses left behind are a case of mistaken identity, innocents caught in the crossfire of a witch hunt to find the real Lady Superior.

Armed with precious few clues and only a few months’ experience on the job, Lady Superior must find the killer—or shed her secret identity—before anyone else dies in her place.

Rookie Mistakes is the first in a two-part story arc. Hot on the heels of victory, Lady Superior thinks she has it all together… but she can’t solve every problem with a punch in the face. For more information, you can read an in-depth interview right over here. Rookie Mistakes is available for $3.99 on Amazon and other ebook retailers.

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